Life is all about adventures.

We should not be afraid to take risks because it is the only way we can enjoy life.

Recently, I’ve been coming across numerous articles about how one should live life or what one should do when presented with a situation.

For me though, I think only one thing is important..

and that is to do or continue doing what makes you happy or what you think will make you happy.

Immortality doesn’t exist.

No one knows when your time will be up.

Death is inevitable.

If you keep procrastinating, you may end up actually not doing it at all.

I am not scaring you or myself of death but let us be realistic.

You truly can never know.

Yes, it still depends on what you are currently – especially if you are already responsible for things like your own family – because you have to consider them in making decisions.

But do not let things like these hinder you from doing what you really want.

So while you are young and while you still can, seize the day.

Don’t let opportunities just pass by you.

Grab them and try your best.

If you live your life with regrets, you wouldn’t be able to appreciate fully the blessings that you have.

— wanderrwithmee